This month's activities

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An Invitation to Worship This Week
 December 15, 2024
10:30 a.m.

The third Sunday of Advent is a time to light a candle for Joy.  The Old Testament reading from Zephaniah is a song of joy.  The Epistle reading from Philippians instructs believers to rejoice and not to be anxious.  After telling the crowds coming out to be baptized that they are snakes (vipers), John the Baptist urgently them to repent.  The Messiah is coming and they are to bear fruit by sharing their resources with those who are in need.  Luke’s gospel says that the good news of God’s loving acceptance and forgiveness is for everyone without exception.  Do we hear the good news?  Do we know and feel the good news?  Do we joyfully live the good news of Jesus Christ?

Please enjoy this preview of Worship at First Presbyterian Church 1793.

All are welcome to share these weekly videos with others, near and far.

Reminder: The Three Rivers Ringers will bring beautiful, seasonal music to the FPC Sanctuary this Sunday, December 15th at 7:00 p.m.

Sunday School for all ages, with Adult Study taking place at 9:30 a.m. and children’s Sunday School taking place following the Children’s Message.


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Plastic Cap Recycling
The plastic cap recycling program was such a great success. We thank everyone who contributed and helped in this effort. It is sad that it is over, but we made a large impact and helped to provide recycled plastic benches and picnic tables on our own property and around Washington County.

First Presbyterian Church 1793
Memorial Tree & Garden

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FPC 1793 Book Club

November December
The Women

Our Narrow Hiding Places

For more details

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For the latest newsletter
November 2024

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For information about the 
recent handicap accessible accommodations
added to our church 

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A Fully Inclusive Church
Welcomes Everyone

The First Presbyterian Church accepts all persons seeking to follow the Lord Jesus Christ and claim Him as Lord and Savior. We welcome you to join us for worship here on Sunday mornings. We are a fully inclusive church that welcomes everyone, so we invite you to be authentic.

All members of this church who believe themselves called by God and the congregation shall be considered for leadership in the church and if elected by the congregation shall be ordained into the church service.

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